1)mengayat-memang cair..plus klu die bt muke
1)style-da leyh masok superr model daa
3)kekacakkan-bole la tahan..
4)body-stock yg sexy
many guys ader ciri2 neyh..tp certain of them are very2 selfishmonger btul...no doubt aku pon like LELAKI species yg neyh...lumrah pmpn..=)..but there is a type of guy yg dtg cri gurl nie blk (dlu lyan mcm nak xnak) juz for some REASON yg sgt2 la not GENTLEMAN....hello..dtg blk juz becoz u da broke(duet tarak)..n hoping i'm going to lend (actually donate la klu bole) you duet..its juz making me panas jerr....then paling2 la klakar...ajak klua tp ayat die " I blom gaji la you..ape kate klua nie you blanje..nnt i da gaji kite klua lg,i blnje you lak.."hahaha...mmg best...this type of GUY..trust me...there is no BLANJE blk...!! for some reason aku ANOYED gn this kind of guy..nape la korg nie xleh nk jd GENTLEMAN..da ajk gurl klua tuh..korg la blnje..specifically..a DATE..hello..wat do you expect??ajak dating tp xmo kuar duet??tuh satu hal...ade lg...nie yg part aku jual mahal blk..hehe..kdg2 ksian gak aku kat die bl jual mahal sgt2 neyh..tp..you get wat you deserve..time i da lpas..so..now its your turn =)..agak kejam aku neyh..tp itu yg mmg reality die patot rase..aku xkate la all the GiRLS..xpnh bt camneyh...blambak bt mcm neyh..its same goes to the GiRLS..it will anoyed the GUYS..eQual..!!
for me....... nO moNey..nO talk... hehe!!(giler materialistik aku neyh..)
but..i learn from my MISTAKE...women..needs to be like dat to avoid been a CREDIT CARDS for these kind of guys who pretend to be GENTLEMAN..but they are not!!
hehe..da pnt da aku tulis...so....next time aku type pnjg2 leborr yer..
1)style-da leyh masok superr model daa
3)kekacakkan-bole la tahan..
4)body-stock yg sexy
many guys ader ciri2 neyh..tp certain of them are very2 selfishmonger btul...no doubt aku pon like LELAKI species yg neyh...lumrah pmpn..=)..but there is a type of guy yg dtg cri gurl nie blk (dlu lyan mcm nak xnak) juz for some REASON yg sgt2 la not GENTLEMAN....hello..dtg blk juz becoz u da broke(duet tarak)..n hoping i'm going to lend (actually donate la klu bole) you duet..its juz making me panas jerr....then paling2 la klakar...ajak klua tp ayat die " I blom gaji la you..ape kate klua nie you blanje..nnt i da gaji kite klua lg,i blnje you lak.."hahaha...mmg best...this type of GUY..trust me...there is no BLANJE blk...!! for some reason aku ANOYED gn this kind of guy..nape la korg nie xleh nk jd GENTLEMAN..da ajk gurl klua tuh..korg la blnje..specifically..a DATE..hello..wat do you expect??ajak dating tp xmo kuar duet??tuh satu hal...ade lg...nie yg part aku jual mahal blk..hehe..kdg2 ksian gak aku kat die bl jual mahal sgt2 neyh..tp..you get wat you deserve..time i da lpas..so..now its your turn =)..agak kejam aku neyh..tp itu yg mmg reality die patot rase..aku xkate la all the GiRLS..xpnh bt camneyh...blambak bt mcm neyh..its same goes to the GiRLS..it will anoyed the GUYS..eQual..!!
for me....... nO moNey..nO talk... hehe!!(giler materialistik aku neyh..)
but..i learn from my MISTAKE...women..needs to be like dat to avoid been a CREDIT CARDS for these kind of guys who pretend to be GENTLEMAN..but they are not!!
hehe..da pnt da aku tulis...so....next time aku type pnjg2 leborr yer..
p/s : nie xder kaitan gn LELAKI yg bkn type mcm nie..
-peace..no war.. =D-
-peace..no war.. =D-
aik. satu jer entry. tulis la lagi.